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What is Digital Asset Management?

Digital asset management (DAM) or organization lays the right foundation for your website project and a project devoid of a robust strategy is bound to doom. Efficient digital asset management is the key to the success of your website design project and if you are perplexed about how to go about it, know that you are not alone.

In this post, we are going to share some super-useful digital asset management tips to help you efficiently organize your digital assets for incredible outcomes. In the process, you will also learn how digital asset management improves SEO.

6 Surefire Digital Asset Management (DAM) Tips

1. SEO and Keyword Strategy

SEO and keyword strategy remain at the core of digital asset management. You got to optimize your website to rank on SERPs and for this purpose, you need to have a well-defined  SEO strategy. Even the most attractively designed website will fail to fetch desired results if your SEO strategy is not up to the mark and more often than not a missing digital asset management strategy is the culprit.

Website design and SEO experts suggest that it all begins with creating a comprehensive SEO keyword strategy template. It is of utmost importance to grow your website traffic and if you want your website to be found on search engines you surely need to optimize your content with relevant keywords.

Here’re the most crucial on-page SEO factors to always keep in mind.

Enterprises of all sizes heavily rely on SEO and it is inarguably one of the best tools you have in your arsenal; however, the quality of your content matters as well. Content remains the linchpin of your digital marketing strategy and well-researched and SEO-friendly content is much needed to make your website rank higher on search engines. In other words, as per the best digital marketing companies, a sound SEO & keyword strategy with quality content is essential to your digital asset management endeavors.

2. Content Outline Document

Speaking of SEO, it is a myth that it is dead. In fact, it never was and will never be. The digital landscape realizes the potential of SEO and how crucial it is; however, SEO and content go hand-in-hand. No matter how keyword-rich your content is, if it is not appealing to your customers, all your efforts are destined to go futile. That’s why digital asset management and SEO go hand in hand.

As a prudent business, you need to optimize your content without compromising on the message. Remember, that you are not communicating with search engines alone. Creating a robust content outline is extremely important while working on your strategy. This serves two major purposes- driving more traffic to your website and conveying the right message to your audience for a well-performing conversion funnel.

Creating content yourself is one thing, and hiring an expert SEO content writer is another. You should rather leave the content creation part to a professional content writer instead.

Hiring a content writing company in India such as WriterzDen helps a huge deal as it lays the right foundation for a well-directed content strategy. Whether it is SEO or human element that must be present in your content, you need reputed content marketing services in Ahmedabad by your side.  Creating website content requires a different approach and the approach followed while writing blogs, articles, or eBooks cannot be followed while creating the outline for your web content.

3. APIs and Tracking Scripts

APIs can be your true companion in SEO endeavors. API stands for application programming interface which is a set of functions that enables users to access the necessary data helpful for SEO optimization. APIs serve a multitude of purposes. On one hand, they function as a set of methods that facilitate interaction between various applications and on the other, speed up data processing.

Analytics integration with business documentation also becomes a breeze with APIs. Your SEO research becomes way more flexible if you leverage APIs to your benefit.

Similarly, tracking scripts are equally important. Let’s understand what a tracking script is. As the name suggests it is a piece of code used to analyze the flow of visitors to your website. This code comprises letters and numbers and is embedded on your website to analyze various crucial aspects such as CTR (click-through rate), sales, and time spent with your content.

Google Analytics is one of the most renowned tracking tools that break down even the most minute data for your comprehensive analysis.

4. Sitemap

Crawling is the process used by search engines to discover your website. Search engine spiders will not be able to find your website if your website’s architecture is not the way it should be. Therefore sitemap essentially becomes important for your SEO interests.

Apart from having a sitemap, you must also take into consideration 404 errors as they can hurt you quite badly. Apart from the absence of a valid sitemap, there are plenty of other reasons that can hamper your SEO prospects.

‘Disallow directive’ is one such aspect that must never be ignored by enterprises. As the name suggests, it prevents search engines from crawling your website.

5. Focus on responsiveness

Your website must be designed to offer a good UI and UX experience on a variety of devices including mobiles, tablets, laptops, and desktops. No matter how good your SEO strategy, landing page content, or backlinks are; if your website isn’t responsive and fails on content design, it will fail to offer a good user experience.

Failing to do so will not only sabotage your SEO rankings but brand value too.

Mobile users have already outnumbered desktop users long ago. Optimizing your website for mobile must stay on the top of your priority list. On one hand, it offers an optimum browsing experience to users and on the other Google highly encourages mobile-friendly websites.

6. Focus on responsiveness

There is nothing more annoying than a slow-loading website and there are a number of reasons behind it. Do you know that a 100 ms of delay in load-time is enough to reduce your conversion rate by about 7 percent? Besides, your SEO rankings also get hampered big time which is the last thing you would ever like to see happening.

Not all images/videos are of equal size, and since bulky media can weigh down your website quite significantly. To prevent this from happening, you must compress the images and videos on your website; however, it must not degrade the quality of your media. There are a myriad of compression tools and programs that allow you to optimize your images and videos without impacting quality.


Digital asset management (DAM) plays an important role in the success of your website, and as a far-sighted and visionary enterprise, you must never cut corners on this critical aspect.  Hiring a professional content writer in Jaipur will increase your chances of ranking higher on SERPs and the same goes for website content as well.

Being one of the best content writing companies in India, we will be more than happy to help you out.

For more information related to digital asset management (DAM), feel free to get in touch with our digital marketing experts.

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