Top 5 Tips for Writing Great Product Descriptions that Sell

Great product descriptions are indispensable to online business. Find out the importance of writing great product descriptions and more importantly how to do that.

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The New Year signifies the genesis of a whole new episode- personally and professionally. Goes without saying it includes loads of introspection of what went well and what didn’t which ultimately isn’t bad at all. And then there is a ritual called ‘Resolution‘.

Truth to be told- most of the resolutions are destined to fade away with the new year euphoria in the very first week and since this is no confession box to get rid of the karmic debts, I will hardly be of any help there. But there’s one thing I can certainly help you with- ecommerce product description writing tips!

If you are an e-commerce business pondering over what went right or wrong in the year gone by with of course a lot of number crunching, you may have realized the importance of well written product descriptions. So before you hit the close tab on your browser assuming writing online store product descriptions is merely about including features and specifications and you have already done that, you couldn’t be more wrong ! So, hang on because this 3 minutes read deserves you undivided attention. Let’s take a quick look at these proven tips for writing product descriptions for your ecommerce store.

Tip #1 : Understand The Art Of Persuasion-

Are your ecommerce product descriptions persuasive enough? Now, let me elaborate on that with a good example.

We attribute it to the receptiveness and branding sense of the Fromycloset marketing team that they paid heed to our advice of selling more than just products. The example below explains that.


Here they have not just sold a product to the ideal buyer, but the experience of putting that on. Can you sense that?

Tip #2 Identify Your Product’s Ideal buyer?

One of the most important ecommerce product description writing tips is to identify your ideal buyer.

Yes, ideal buyer ! If you say your product is for everyone, again you couldn’t be more wrong. Identifying your buyer is the first key step towards marketing and so is appealing him/her through your product descriptions. Off the shelf approach is a cardinal sin in online marketing. Putting it simple, descriptions of your ecommerce store products must be written aimed at your target customer as that pretty much determines the fate of your online store’s sales.

Tip # 3: Create an image of your product-

Creating a visual image of your product or as previously explained the experience takes your marketing strategy a long way. This point can again be understood by combining the ‘ideal buyer’ factor. Do you know what kind of humor he or she will appreciate? If you do, utilize it to the maximum in your product descriptions. Attire of their choice is an extension of their personality after-all. Simple to understand right? Your online store will have various products and every product is not for everybody. This simply explains description for every product on your online store must be written keeping the image you want to build around your ecommerce product.

Tip # 4: Be Honest-

Honestly is the best policy. Cliched but true ! Your customers are least interested in a hurricane of flurry and superlative words. Ecommerce business is rapidly expanding and your customers are also sick and tired of reading self-effacing product descriptions. And hence they rather would like to know the pros and cons of the products you have to offer. Nonetheless, the downside should be portrayed in such a way that it doesn’t completely drive away the potential buyer of your ecommerce store. Here’s an example. Again, we have written more than 500 product descriptions for Wusthof including this-

Tip # 5: Hire A Professional Product Description Writing Services Provider-

We have written over 2500 product descriptions for the biggest of brands across the globe inclusive of

  • Koovs
  • KFC
  • Intel
  • Fromycloset
  • Wusthof
  • Many others

Wish To Find Out About Our Product Description Writing Services?

Are you in process of setting up a newfangled ecommerce store and looking for a professional product description writing services provider who can help you write descriptions that sell, then we are all ears. Drop us a line or simply pick up your phone and call us up !

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